You can apply Driving Licence of citizens near you through Seva

Very simply, a driver’s license , or DL for brief , is an official document, in the form of a card, which is issued by your respective government . It signifies that the licence holder is permitted to drive a automobile on public roads in India without the necessity for any supervision. motor vehicles during this respect include a car, bike, bus, etc.

The licence is a legal requirement under the automobiles Act of 1988. consistent with the Act, nobody can drive during a public place without a driver’s license issued by either the Regional Transport Authority (RTA) or the Regional Transport Office (RTO).

The process of acquiring a licence is straightforward . you initially acquire a learner’s licence by passing preliminary tests supported your knowledge of road safety and traffic rules. Then you begin off by practicing driving a vehicle. However, people with a learner’s licence will need to drive a vehicle only within the presence of another individual with a permanent driver’s license.

This learner’s licence is sort of a provisional licence. How? It allows you to drive on the roads in order that you’ll have sufficient practice and may then qualify for the ultimate test to urge a final driver’s license . it’s now possible to use for a licence online.

To apply for a person’s Driving Licence, you must first become a retailer in ECorner EGovernance Services

Apply for Driving Licence via online form submission:

Login to the ECorner EGovernance Services

  • Click on Apply for Driving Licence link
  • Fill in the required details in the form and submit
  • After submit, our executive will call you about Driving Licence

Date of Birth

1. Birth Certificate
2. Passport
3. PAN Card
4. Mark Sheets
5. SSLC Book/Certificate

Proof Of Identity (PoI)

1. Passport
2. PAN Card
3. Ration Card
4. Voter ID
5. Driving License

Proof of Address (PoA)

1. Passport
2. Bank Statement
3. Passbook
4. Ration Card
5. Post Office Account Statement
6. Voter ID
7. Driving License
8. Electricity Bill
9. Water Bill